Posts Tagged ‘ Priorities ’

Don’t let poor planning become somebody else’s priority!

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Don’t let poor planning become somebody else’s priority!

This is a phrase I have used in various versions for years; although I actually prefer and use

“Don’t let your poor planning become my priority”,

usually when dealing with very rude arrogant and obnoxious idiots. Why should I change my schedule, my planning and put my customers at risk, just to dig you out of a hole? I love using it too, to make a point. Guess what? Every time I use it it gets the reaction I expect, whether the person is a peer, a customer, a supplier or a senior manager. There is always that moment, however fleeting on their part, when they realise how much of an imposition they are placing on others.

The “oh yeah!” moment.

I am also aware that it really antagonises people but it is important to make a clear and direct point, crucial in these days when avoidance of hurting peoples feelings seems more important than getting the job done. At what point are you allowed to make a point?

It always surprises me to see this behaviour in management, because businesses are supposed to be managed by people who demonstrate certain competences, big amongst them is the ability to manage time appropriately and work with others to meet mutual goals.

By the way this is not a rant at all, I have not had an excuse to use this phrase for a while to be honest, it just came to me today and I found myself reflecting on how important it is to make clear and proper plans, communicating goals, objectives and tasks to all involved, clearly setting expectations……………….and then keeping those that need to know in the loop about progress, risks and obstacles. It is not rocket science. I think that most of us have been there, the honest amongst us will admit we got it wrong once and learned never to get it wrong again!

Oh yeah this has nothing to do with recruiting really just an observation

“Don’t let your poor planning become somebody else’s priority” – think about it for a bit and consider how you can help others and yourself by planning properly