Posts Tagged ‘ agency ’

Do You Really Need to Ask About Salary?

[tweetmeme source=”GaryFranklin”]

In the last two weeks one thing has stood out for me, leaving me feeling slightly uneasy because I am unsure whether I am right or not, strangely despite how I feel about it.

I’ve had a view on a particular matter as a recruiter and recruitment manager over the last few years and then much more so as a candidate last year during #myjobhunt and more recently.

What do you think when you are asked “What is your current salary or package?”

Do you answer? Why do you answer?

What purpose does it serve to ask the question? What purpose will it serve to answer the question? Surely this is an irrelevant question and on one’s business but mine?

In organisations where a rigid grade or compensation policy doesn’t exist, I can understand knowing what someone is currently earning helps construct an offer and package to fit the candidate and helps to avoid over paying someone. Yet is it still relevant? Shouldn’t you know how much you want to and can pay and still achieve worth to your business? Are you not asking for a multitude of problems and challenges by making yourselves open to negotiation.

In the larger more complex organisations the compensation packages are mapped directly to the Job Families and the Grades. New vacancies are generally submitted and approved based on the budget available, grade and salary banding (the guidance received from either the Recruiting or the Compensation & Benefits departments). Offers are made accordingly to qualified candidates.

Last year it seemed that only agencies or search firms had an interest in what I was earning in my previous job. None could provide me with a good enough reason for me to give them the info. I can only assume that they preferred to take short cuts to categorise me by a job title and salary to ensure an easy deal closure, rather than my personality, achievements, competencies and potential. Whereas the expert recruiters and interviewers at prospective employers didn’t need to ask. I was assessed and judged properly.

This year is no different. In the last two weeks I have refused to give an answer to that question to three different companies. They come up with all sorts of reasons why they needed to know, one even stating that their client, an HRD in an FTSE 100 organisation, had asked for availability and salary information to be put on a cover sheet. Expectations maybe, but I cannot imagine anyone asking for current info. Why would anyone need to know this?

All the time I was looking to move on from my last job and when I finally took the plunge, I was constantly asking myself, agencies and search companies –

“Why should the limitations and salary restrictions of my current/previous employer have any bearing or influence on what a future employer might consider I am worth to them?”

Please think about it – I’d be interested to hear the thoughts of others on this.

How do I get onto your PSL?

[tweetmeme source=”GaryFranklin”]

If you haven’t yet come across UK Recruiter I recommend a visit and a read. Run by Louise Triance, UK Recruiter not only provides a wealth of information to all those involved in the UK recruitment market, but Louise is a big advocate of getting agencies and in-house recruiters to network and cooperate with each other.

Louise recently asked for contributions to her “Recruiter Clinic” series by asking various people involved with the recruitment business “What is the question you are asked the most often?” and “What is the answer you give?”

I was pleased to help.

This is the question I get asked the most: How do I get onto your PSL?

Many large organisations with traditional purchasing models follow complicated and cumbersome RFQ, RFI and tendering processes to select the suppliers for their PSL. There is no sure fire way of getting through the rules, weighting and scoring matrices that can be set up by procurement teams I’m afraid. This kind of process and the resulting set up, tend to leave suppliers feeling they are being kept at and arm’s length, with limited relationship potential, other than that of traditional supplier/buyer and that any quality in service is diminished. I agree. It’s a lottery and to be honest a waste of energy and time for all concerned.

In organisations where there is more emphasis on quality of service and importance placed on cooperation and understanding of the business, as well as the personalities required in the different roles, it is crucial that you build a relationship with the key stakeholders. These will either be with the in-house recruiting teams or the hiring manager.

A bit of advice, if the organisation you are trying to sell to has an in-house recruiting team, bypass them at your peril, for they can be the decision makers not only on which agency to deal with, but also on which people will be hired. You will almost certainly ruin any chance you have of dealing with that company if you try and go around the in-house recruiting team to the hiring managers directly.

Within such organisations PSL’s are built based on suppliers’ previous track record with a company, on feedback and input they get from the hiring managers. In-house teams in many of the HR departments talk to each other and compare notes on agencies, especially if they are members of The FIRM, and thus it is important that the levels and quality of service you offer is of the highest standards at all times.

If you are invited to give a presentation as part of a PSL review, be sure that you know the company you are presenting to inside out. You have to know the scope and scale of the company, which markets in operates in, who its competitors are, what the competitors are doing (in respect of sales strategy, reorgs, hiring) why they hire, how they hire, what competences they look for in the various departments, what technologies are important to that market, what is the buzz in the market, what legislation could affect them. This is more information than you can possibly get from an hours superficial searching on the internet. This is proper and through research, but it has to be done if you want to have any credibility. If you can clearly show that you know the market better than the in-house recruiters then you will be adding value already.

Hope this helps

Job Hunting, it’s all about Commitment, Confidence, Calls and Choices – Day 30 #myjobhunt

[tweetmeme source=”GaryFranklin”]

This post represents my feelings from last week. If I were to keep true to the trend established in previous posts it would be a summation of Day 30 of #myjobhunt, which represents 6 full weeks of job hunting. Yet, I am going to sum up my feelings of Week 6 rather than making the post about a specific day.

Having been away with a great group of people at #SocRecCamp the previous weekend the week started on a high. I was just happy to have had the experiences in Devon. As the week progressed my mood changed.

Week 6 was certainly the lowest I have been throughout my quest for work or at least that was how I felt at times. A few things started to dawn on me that made me question what I was doing, why I was doing it and what it meant for my wife and I. It also made me question what I was actually looking for. Did I want the perfect job where my competencies and experiences could be fully utilized; a job that I would feel a passion for, a commitment to and one that would give me the challenges and the satisfactions that many don’t get to realize. Or did I want a pay packet?

I was beginning to wonder.

When I first started out Week 1 caught me by surprise, the number of opportunities I uncovered and the number of vacancies that my friends and colleagues passed my way was overwhelming as was the constant support. It all looked so positive and continued to look that way for a few weeks. In Week 6 however the number of appealing opportunities had come down to just 3 positions that I had interviews for. So my pipeline was very thin, opportunities coming my way were fewer, and fewer still were appealing. At the same time others who I know were getting jobs and starting them inside my own 6 week window. So of course I had to ask myself if I had the right mental approach, as well as if I had the right approach and strategy to job hunting.

As great as it seemed to test the power of Social Media and not use agencies I still have bills to pay. When I started #myjobhunt I did not aim to only use Social Media – all I wanted was a job. Yet after a few days my confidence was such that I became the biggest advocate of Social Media as a job hunting tool or set of tools. By Week 6 my confidence was waning, in fact it started waning in Week 4, once I became officially unemployed, as the doubts and the natural concerns about the future crept in.

It is not just about me either. I’ve been in similar positions before and was hoping never to be back here again. Each of those times my wife was a rock, a fantastic support even when things got as bad as they could have done. I didn’t want to put her through the worry again. It was obvious to me that once my gardening leave and my employment finished in Week 4, her stress and worry levels more than doubled. Then after our decision on Day 26 to withdraw my application from that technology company I decided I had to make her a promise – I promised to have accepted a job by the end of September. I was confident that I could get a contract; even one that didn’t advance my career would still pay the bills. I had also resigned myself to using agencies to hunt for work. I don’t care. We need to live.

These are all issues and concerns that all out of work job hunters go through; I know I am not alone.

All these feelings despite having had a terrific interview on Wednesday and a few other leads coming my way. If the Wednesday option doesn’t pan out then I would actually be starting all over again, back to Day 1 or Day 2, and I suppose it was this realization that hit hard. Or was it just that I had interviewed for that one job that I really wanted?

On Thursday a contract position that I had interviewed for in Week 2 disappeared on me. The company concerned changed strategy and thus the need for contract support went away. This didn’t help my mood or my confidence.

The call I wanted didn’t come.

On Friday morning, Day 30, I got loads of Twitter DM’s, texts and emails from people all asking me how I was. Whilst I so appreciated the support, I was trying to get my head away from the anxiety of wanting the phone to ring by doing something else. A two mile run helped but I felt like I was a teenager again. I even Tweeted a message later in the day, “Why don’t they call?” – I got some stupid answers to that!

I had to go out at about 1pm. This is a good thing; it meant that I would be busy and likely as not be able to get a signal on my phone. Still every time my phone rang with a number I didn’t recognise or with number blocked my stomach did some gymnastics. Each time it rang with a number I did recognise I answered but wanted them off the line soonest. It was one of those days were I was in and out of signal so that each time I got a signal I checked voice mail and returned calls only to have more calls come through and leave messages whilst on the phone. The call I wanted didn’t come through.

If you’ve read previous posts you will know I don’t get a signal at my home and have taken to walking or driving to the top of the hill about half a mile away to get one. So having left home at 1pm and not heard anything by 4pm I was resigned to not getting the call until Monday. I was actually okay with this. After all there was actually nothing I could do at this point. I was nearly home at 5.20pm and about 20-30 seconds from losing signal when I got the call.

I now have a choice.

Music of Day 30 – Nothing Else Matters by Metallica – I know, seriously I was listening to the Black album – coincidence eh?

Thanks for reading

What does the Recruitment Industry Compete on?

[tweetmeme source=”GaryFranklin”]

In a departure from #myjobhunt blog series

Recently I was asked “What do you think are the key factors that the recruitment industry competes on?”

My Answer:

You have to think about what you are competing for. Are agencies and search firms competing for the potential candidates or are they competing for the actual deal with the customer? They should have both in mind always.

Of course if competing for the candidates you have to be able to present yourself as credible and effective. An agency has to present itself as knowing the market as well as the ins and outs of the customer they are representing to the candidate, without the hard sell. They have to know all there is to know to ensure that the candidate has sufficient information to determine if the job and company is suitable. Also armed with the customer knowledge the agency recruiter will be able to determine accurately if a candidate can be turned into a credible applicant in front of the customer.

Competing at the customer level we look for agencies or suppliers that will be able to represent our brand, our company and the position we are recruiting for as if they work for us; much like a sales channel does for products. If a search firm or agency can show they have the ability to understand our business, our processes and our culture then they will be equipped to sell our proposition to each candidate and be of greater service and thus value to all parties.

To compete we all have to be in the position to represent ourselves to each other and meet the expectations of all involved. If as a customer I respect the agency or search firm – and more importantly the person I am dealing with – I will invest the time to educate them and equip them to better represent me. In doing so the agency or search firm will be armed to earn the trust of the candidate. The candidate will have confidence that they will be represented to the customer and the customer will have the confidence that their brand is in safe hands. The customer will appreciate that candidates from that particular source will be thoroughly vetted and closest to the mark.

So answer to the question; the industry competes on knowledge and credibility……………oh yeah, for the poorly managed in-house PSL structures its all about price and not quality of service and the poorly equipped agencies all compete on speed of service rather than quality.

I welcome thoughts and comments on this one please

Recruiters Recruiting Recruiters – I am learning lots, are you? – Day 19 #myjobhunt

[tweetmeme source=”GaryFranklin”]

Today I tried to get back into the mood of the first two weeks, focused on how to try and build again a strong pipeline of opportunity. I knew I didn’t have the time to focus on it today but I had to think it through. Over the last two weeks many opportunities have come along, but very few of them have actually matured into anything. Some as a result of them not being the right fit, others because of the lack of follow-up, follow through or just respond. And not on my part either. More on this later. But I had to find more to keep my options open.

Coffee machine on, laptop on, Planet Rock loaded. On Planet rock at the moment they have Alice Cooper as the morning DJ, not the best choice I must say, because he does talk some crap! Today he was playing it as well. Grateful to iTunes thought. My own coffee was particularly good this morning. I only had about 90 minutes before I had to go out for an hour or so. Emails first. Quiet though. Very quiet indeed. The first time in ages that I hadn’t a single email to respond to. Strangely Twitter was quite too. Well until about 7am and then all of my Twitter buddies woke up at the same time. Worrying that they may have all gone to #SocRecCamp a week early without me. Definitely more on this next week. Oh yes indeed.

The #earlyshift was mad for about 60 minutes and quite amusing; the rain dominating many of the conversations; stories of soaked and miserable summer holidays from around the UK. It is a shame when we had 30C degree, plus, heat through June and July.

Right, Day 19 was to be dominated by a telephone interview rearranged from previously failed attempts and a face-to-face interview, both with the same company and would effectively be interviews 5 & 6. I made sure I was in a good signal area a good 15 minutes before the call was due and waited until 20 minutes after the allotted time. No call. I must say that at this stage I was very disappointed to say the least. Shame – what to do? Do I withdraw my application or see how the afternoon session pans out? The latter commonsense approach wins out but confidence is now obviously low. Whose wouldn’t be, eh?

On the journey of about 45 mins to the interview I get a call back from one of the companies than have a position I have been very keen about for the last few weeks. Unfortunately it as bad news. It would appear that this employer wanted someone with precise experience of managing large (yet 500 vacancies per year is not large) RPO engagements. So they want someone who does that, to change jobs to do that same again. Do people jump like for like? Well of course they do but the point is there are few that will and fewer still with the experience they thing they need for this job. Many relationship management skills and experiences are perfectly and undeniably transferrable for this role. Mine in particular as a Channel and Partner Manager would be a good example. A shame as it would have been a good use of my skills and personality to manage such a relationship. I can understand their position to a certain extent, but still it frustrates, especially as the job description was a good fit and the company offered an almost perfect brand to recruit for. I expect that this is not an unusual situation that many job hunters find themselves in, yet as a recruiter it does seem to have a bigger effect as we are taught to look for and assess the transferrable skills not ignore them! It is however important to remember it is not personal, it happens and there is nothing I can do about it. It is not something that I can have a direct influence over and thus need to just put it behind me.

I had to shake it off and be ready to perform in 30 minutes. I was quite grateful for the appalling weather and the amount of rain on the roads. I caused me to concentrate fully on the road. When I got to the interview I was ready.

The saving grace of the day was this interview with the Head of HR in EMEA. A very good experience to back up a very good impression of the offices, location and people I met and spoken with so far, as well as the information I know and have learned about them recently. To be fair apart from the one aforementioned potential interviewer the rest of the interviewing team have been a shining ambassadors for their brand. I have enjoyed the passion, enthusiasm and commitment to move the business forward. If they still want to see me I have a final interview next week with the global head of TA and am very excited about the prospect

Finally when I got home I had some decent email. One in particular from the professional career coach and CV writer who I mentioned in Day 1 and who had helped me with my CV. She came up a couple of ideas; one was for a company I had explored briefly three months ago, before I started #myjobhunt. It hadn’t lasted more than a couple of calls then but with another go from a different angle……..every option must be explored.

I also took some time to review the emails and the ideas that had come my way over the last 3 weeks and a list of those to follow up with has been compiled and will be acted upon tomorrow. I was also alarmed to see that there were a number of people who had contacted me, mostly in house recruiters and some I am afraid to say are members of The FIRM, who have not bothered to respond to my responses to their initial contacts. The FIRM has a goal to raise standards in all areas or recruiting, particularly our own. It is no wonder that candidates and agencies make their complaints. You let us all down by not trying to improve your own standards.

Music of Day 19 was Ballroom Blitz by The Sweet

What did I learn today? Not all recruiters are good at everything they do. Not all recruiters have the same nor keep to the same standards as I do. Over the last couple of years, I have complained about the poor behaviors at agencies. In meetings I’ve also heard agencies complain about the poor service they get from in house recruiters. I am beginning to empathise.

It’s Raining, It’s Pouring but i aint Snoring! -Day 7

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Day 7 rocked to the foundations, despite a very slow and groggy start.

Get up, coffee on and fire up laptop getting ready to go. Raining harder and steadier than we’ve seen in months and it doesn’t look like it is in a hurry to pass by either. No way I’m going out to feed the chickens in that! I reconcile this with the fact that I know they won’t want to leave their shelter and brave the rain just to get to the feeder, will they!

First task on the “work” list is to review all of those wanting to join The FIRM. I get a little sadistic pleasure in rejecting some of them – yeah as if it means anything!

So added a few today. It’s steady and then onto the next task. Finalising the newsletter. We send out a newsletter to all global members of The FIRM during the first week of the month with update and news. Emma did most of the work as always but just needed me to add a couple of items that had come to me at the last minute. This took a few hours to format and was ready to go out later in the day. I think each month we get better at it. We now feature a blog of the month; no it’s not me but Jim Stroud this month as well as a write up on a diversity event by one of the members. Plus the usual selection of offers for our members.

All of that and answering emails that had come in overnight had taken me to lunch time in the blink of an eye. Time then to start applying myself to #myjobhunt.

I was frustrated first thing not to have received emails I was expecting from a couple of people. Once I thought about it and looked closer I found them both in my spam filter. Why does that happen to legit emails? Then I remembered I have a new PC and the AV software purchased with it needs configuring. No guesses which one I have and trust :). So all tidied up and both emails responded to. Fingers crossed they will lead to something; one of them was confirmation for a 2nd interview. Phew! Time and date for that one was added to the calendar late in the day. Good news.

At the risk of repeating myself it still surprises me how many people contacted me today out of the blue, some of them I haven’t had much dialogue with before, wishing me well or just for a general chat. I got a message from someone who I’ve followed on Twitter and who has followed me back for sometime, but we’ve never communicated outside of Twitter. Very pleasant exchange. Interesting too to hear how she obtained her current contract assignment. Very encouraging. There was also a message in my LinkedIn inbox from another who wanted to keep my brain active with an idea around recruiting. Sounds intriguing and I am looking forward to exploring that one further. I don’t mind if these conversations or email exchanges as well as the others that I have, are not directly about jobs or work for me, it is just good to speak with like-minded people active in the recruiting space.

By about 14:30 in the afternoon I hadn’t really done too much that many would call job hunting. I think I had though – I’d had real or online exchanges with close to twenty people already.

Now, what I haven’t explained is that I do not get a cell phone signal in my house. On previous days when I’ve said to my wife that am going to the office, I have meant the vegetable garden, 50 metres up-hill from the house. I get a signal up there you see. This is ok until it rains. Like yesterday; a 40 minute conversation with someone left me feeling quite good, so I came down the slope without care; feet slid from under me and I landed hard. Luckily on my most padded bit (no not my head!). Not so lucky it was straight into a bed of nettles. So the garden is the office on good days and not suitable on rainy days, and with it coming down for Noah today, I have to drive up the lane to the top of the hill and park up. As soon as I do the calls start coming in. Initially voicemails, but then as I am returning those calls more messages are left. By the time I had returned to the house I had spoken with 2 Search firms, applied for one contract position, offered to help with referrals for another and confirmed one interview.

That was a very fast and very productive hour. On my return to the house there is an email from someone in The FIRM outlining a position that looks ideal for me, both in terms of location and content. It is via an agency that contacted her but since she is in my online network, it is allowed.

The day closes with the newsletter being sent out and feedback, as well as input, coming back to us.

The one negative of the day is the reflection that I hadn’t heard from anyone in respect of two jobs I had applied for on Day 1, other than an auto reply. Not surprising given that both were via agencies. Do I name and shame them? I am inclined to do so but want to sleep on it and hear your thoughts. It is a constant complaint in the market. We all know this and strive to ensure we offer better care and service. But here we are with two companies/people who have no respect. I might just out them tomorrow and see what happens – let’s call it part of the experiment shall we?

Music of the Day – India/Mountain Time, Joe Bonamassa

That’s it. Thanks for reading.

Hunted to Hunter – tales of a hirer who needs hiring

[tweetmeme source=”GaryFranklin”]

Today I find myself in a place that I had hoped never to return to, at least not just yet. I now have to apply myself to the recruiting merry-go-round as an applicant. It will be interesting to note if I will see in myself some of the behaviours seen from the other side of the fence. More importantly it will be very interesting to see how others react to and treat me, especially in consideration of the job am hoping I might secure.

My intention is to provide a daily update on what I find out there, who I speak to, the reactions I get and the reaction or responses that I dont get.

So this is Day 1

The target is to be in a position, earning money by mid September

Activities today, that will I hope secure me my next big adventure started with a very thorough review of my CV. I am one of these people that keeps a CV up to date as I progress throughout a year to be sure I note down the important responsibilities and achievements as they happen. Then when I need to use it, I edit it to conform to the rest of the CV. The review is to be sure that all is kept clean, the small things are attended to, i.e. typos, grammar and spelling and it is still not too long. It is hard to believe that people spend such little time on such things when the stakes are so high!

Being objective is almost impossible when reviewing your own CV and I have been coincidently fortunate to get to know a professional career coach and CV writer who has offered some fantastic help.

So with the CV primed, I am all set and ready to go.

People have stated that I am one of the most widely networked and connected recruiters in the business, however I have spoken and written that it is not how many people I am connected to that counts, but the relationships I have created and mutual trust I have established with some of them that is important. So to let people know. If they don’t know my plight they can’t help. I have no allusions that I will be a magic switch. It is all about timing and to quote two of the greatest poets of this and the last century “you can’t always get what you want” (sic)

I also wanted to update my old files on the Personnel Today site and ensure that my profile was up to date and my searches were defined for what I am looking for now. It was like pulling teeth. It was not intuitive and didn’t navigate well at all. It also kept failing causing me to start again; very frustrating when I wanted to get as much done as I could in the shortest amount of time! Deep breath! 1,2,3,4….. Then having done a search and found what looked like a fantastic result the job/page wouldn’t load. So Personnel Today not the greatest experience. Onwards – Changebord next – an easier affair, albeit it still not complete as so much to do on my part to ensure thoroughness. Tomorrow!

Then I looked on The FIRMs job listing and was pleased to see some new jobs posted, some of interest as well and needing further investigation.

Emails and Twitter DM messages sent to a number of contacts which resulted in some very good results.

Two interviews for two different roles in the diary by close

Most of the people I have spoken to online or in person over the last few days have offered help, some with sound and welcome advice. Above all and most importantly the majority offered friendship and support. I couldn’t be more grateful and spoiled. To you, Thank You.

Tomorrow is new day with a new approach to a different set of known and unknown contacts. I am committed to not discounting any opportunity at the moment with the view that if I create enough opportunities very fast then I will have control.

One bit of advice I have always given candidates is that they must always go for the offer. Without offer the candidate doesn’t have any options and doesn’t have any choices. Without either the candidate has no control over the process.

Lets see if it works, shall we?

Two Tribes – The Battle for Respect (or handbags at dawn!)

[tweetmeme source=”GaryFranklin”]
I think we will all agree that Inhouse Recruiters (IHR) and suppliers don’t always see eye-to-eye, in the majority of cases I would say that we might as well be in a different markets, who’d have thought we are all in recruitment! The biggest rift is in the non-relationship between agencies and theirs customers, which tends to resemble a tribal feud at best and a full of blood bath and worst. I generalise I know, but please don’t kid yourself that there is general mutual respect. I find this perpetual stalemate very tiresome and counter productive, surely we should be cooperating with each other, helping each side of the conflict

Agencies and HR share a difference of opinion

understand how and why we do things and what benefits we can bring to each other!

I have worked on ALL sides of the agency / customer relationship. I have my opinions and very strong they are too. These have been reaffirmed very strongly over the last 2 weeks. I won’t go into the detail of how irritating some people I have listened to have been but want to use this issue as the basis of this post.

So in the last two weeks I have attended 5 events that have provided a huge opportunity for networking and relationship building.

A Breakfast with The FIRM meeting
UKRecruiter tweetup
The APSCo Debate
UKRecruiter Directors Networking Meeting
#connectingHR tweetup

Thursday 10th June (full details of this day posted previously). At the first of these I was one of the organisers. It was an event exclusive to Inhouse Recruiters at which we gave attendees, who seemed more than able and comfortable to mingle and chatter with each other, the opportunity to attend a tweetup networking event arranged by UKRecruiter that evening; an event that was advertised to members for a few weeks leading up to the day. UKRecruiter does a fantastic job so keeping anyone interested in recruitment in the UK informed of issues, concerns and events. Many of its subscribers work for agencies but there is much in the newsletters for all. As far as I could tell there were only 5 people (from approx 50) from the morning’s event who came along to the evening’s event and the organisers of each made up three of them!

Thursday 24th June – The next event was the APSCo debate on whether UK recruitment agencies should be licensed or not. This was followed on the same day and in serial succession by another networking event organised by UKRecruiter. At each I was, as far as I could tell, the only IHR in a room full of approx 60 agency types. Sadly I had no real interaction with people I didn’t already know, (except for two idiots who just couldn’t help themselves and tried to sell to me!) unless I initiated it. Immediately after the UKRecruiter event I was lucky enough to be able attend the 2nd #connectingHR tweetup. An event actually co-organised by an agency, CourtenayHR and Jon Ingham! I attended the first in March because I just happened to be in London and turned up. That one was a superbly entertaining evening and huge success. At this recent event much like the March event previously suppliers to the UK recruiting space attended and mixed with a good number of IHR types.

Summary of observations from these events. From both supplier and IHR I’ve seen a resistance to engage with each other. Whilst the suppliers crave it, many don’t appear to have the socials skills or emotional intelligence to manage it, some just aren’t that interested in change and the IRH are reluctant to engage because of perceptions and barriers they have created that are not entirely fair to all. Also some just aren’t that interested in change either.

So to cooperation. How do we get there? Simple! Get to know each other. At each of the two social networking events; 10th and 24th June I had a great time and met some really good people, people I would happily spend time with and nearly all of them suppliers to the market.

The point is, it is the time you invest; it is the people; it is the relationships you build; it is the potential friend(s) that you make; it is the respect that you earn that matters and not the business that can result. If you trust and understand each other you may find business opportunities come about anyway. If business is your priority then you won’t find friends and cooperation. (mmmm! an advert for a dating service in there somewhere)

We work in a market that relies on a symbiotic (look it up!) relationship, so why then do we try our hardest to avoid cooperation. The IHR community would gain so much from taking a little time to interact socially with suppliers where there is no agenda other than meet and chat (yeah ok and a few drinks!). Agency staff need to be able to reign themselves in and chatter without thinking of a deal or of a business opportunity. As mentioned above I had two people approach me who both went for the pitch and close within seconds. They are aware of the error of their ways. I did enjoy that bit.

Cooperate with each other. Understand each other. Maybe you’ll trust each other. Don’t be shy about attending any networking event that you can – you may just meet some great people. I have. You may even learn something from each other. I have. Give it a go please. If supplier and customer can cooperate then it will save so much time, effort and money.

BTW – Please don’t read this and think “Oh I’ll give him a call” – if you make a pitch however subtle your motives will be so transparent and I will name and shame you in the next posting!

Tell them what you want and how to get it – Candidates take charge!

[tweetmeme source=”GaryFranklin”]
I was recently doing some online reading when I came across a question asking, how and if Job Boards and Recruitment Agencies support the goals and meet the expectations of candidates.

We could very easily fall into the trap of generalising, and say “of course they don’t!” But is that fair? Can we, or in fact can they, presume to know what the aspirations and expectations of every candidate are? No of course not. We all agree, I’m sure, that some of the basic expectations of anyone using their services need to be met.

Job Boards offer a range of services to job seekers, primary and fundamentally common to all of them is the access to jobs supposedly current and available advertised by employers and agencies. Job Boards to their best to promote their services to all parties to ensure that they get sufficient traffic from all concerned to generate interest for all parties.

There are so many Job Boards available for a candidate to choose from, where would they start? Do they go for a generalist boards such as Monster or Total Jobs etc., or for the niche Job Boards that focus on particular types of vacancies or market sector? Candidate expectations will vary depending on the choice made. But why limit the choices. The vast majority of Job Boards do not charge candidates to register and make use of their services, so what expectation might one have. When I have been a candidate looking for work I have never had any expectations of a job board; if I can’t find a suitable position I had the choice of coming back tomorrow, refining my search or going elsewhere.

If on the other hand I have paid to register then my expectations leap to another level. I would never pay and never would, unless it is the only route, so not sure what the value proposition of a company like The Ladders.

Agencies on the other hand are different. We talk about agencies as the entity we deal with, but they are staffed by people and we all know it is the person with whom we deal that makes a difference to our perception of value and quality in a service model. The one advantage Agencies have in their ability to meet expectations is that the vast majority of experienced job seekers don’t have too much respect of them, thus have reasonably low expectations in the first place. Much the same as with Job Boards there are some basic and fundamental expectations that a candidate should rightly have; a polite and ethical service and ability to deliver against promises. Sadly neither is all that common. But should candidates be surprised and expect anything any different.

Most agencies have only one focus – their fee and don’t tend concern themselves with what the candidates want or need or really what the long term customer requirements are. Candidates tend to be treated as potential fee-earning commodities. What is wrong with this? Nothing and everything, but it does depend on your perspective. Where most agencies go wrong is in their assertion that they are professional, ethical and can represent the candidate. This is where they set the expectations that cannot be delivered upon. (I know that there are some fantastic people who work for or run their own agencies, people that I would recommend without hesitation, however I know from first hand experience that sadly they are counted as the few). Most experienced job seekers don’t believe them anyway, but still most experienced job seekers don’t mange their own job hunting project effectively and thus set false goals of themselves and false expectations of an agency.

Talking to a number of candidates over the years and to colleagues running in-house recruiting teams in large and small companies, as well as to some agencies, all seem to agree that the role of the job seeker in the process is far too passive, which is converse to what it should be.

The candidate needs to take some responsibility in the process. Let’s face it; the candidate NEEDS to make the process about themselves! And so it should be. As a candidate you are the most important link, from your perspective, in this chain. It is all about you and your career. Make it so. How you choose with whom to work, whether Job Board or Agency should be an educated decision, one that your future could depend on!

As a Recruitment Manager I have a duty to evaluate suppliers; Job Board or Agency based on research, feedback, references taken and reputation and many other attributes. If we then choose to deal with an agency I must spend the time to equip that company and its representatives with sufficient information and understanding of our needs in order that they can represent the values and vacancies of my company to the best of MY ability.

Why then, can we not, as candidates apply the similar principals of evaluation to select the right Job Board or Agency to deal with? Job Boards are somewhat easier as there is no real harm in registering with all of the likely relevant ones, but you must learn how to get the best out of them. I know it’ll take time and effort to do the research but surely a career is important enough to make that investment? Making an educated informed decision about who is authorised to take your professional lives into their care and represent you to prospective employers could be the difference between a pay cheque job and a successful rewarding career.

Candidates can take control! – be assertive, be clear on what you want from a job, a career and an employer. I ask every candidate that I speak to what their goals and aspirations are, sadly I very rarely get a decent well thought out and planned answer. Set out your goals and be able to communicate them to the agency in much the same way you would to a prospective employer.

Spend time researching the market and get some feedback and comments about the performance of the agencies in your target market. If you want anything other than an impersonal service, where you are just a fee on the churning production line, you will need to insist that the person you deal with takes the time to learn about you. As a candidate you need to give clear instruction, with a clear direction and offer a clear value proposition. Think about and give the agency the reason why they should work on your behalf and why a company would employ you – tell them where and how they will earn their fee (help them; they aren’t that bright, generally). To do this you must meet with them. No excuses, insist on it and don’t deal with them if they won’t meet with you – how can they represent you if they don’t know you?

Granted Job Boards and Agencies are businesses set up to make money for their owners and don’t let anyone tell you differently. Yes they do this by providing different services. If you want them, whoever they maybe, to meet your own personal goals and expectations then you must help them help you. Why have expectations of them if you don’t know what you want, that is unrealistic.

End-to-End Recruitment Lifecycle Management – Customer Engagement

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One key function that differentiates an In-house Recruiter (IR) from a Talent Acquisition (TA) Business Partner (TABP) is the level of customer engagement. We are not just talking about the taking of a vacancy brief or getting feedback on an applicant, but getting entrenched into their management structure at which point you become part of their business planning thought process. I am sure the vast majority of IR’s will agree that this is not as easy to accomplish as it seems.

I won’t go into the challenges with the type of engagement but focus more on what to do when you get the ear of the Business Unit or Department leader. This is a big subject but I am going to deliberately keep it high-level for now.

Number 1 in the things that a TABP needs to have is credibility. Without it you won’t be given the time of day – twice! As we all know, every hiring manager is a recruiting expert – they all know the best agencies and know how to conduct proper and professional interviews (yeah right!). So why do they need you? Well you have to show them why and in doing so earn their respect and trust. You have to show that you are aware of issues both internal and external that could affect or impact their planning. This will come in many forms; understanding their dept structure, understanding their business model, knowing how they fit into the corporate structure; understanding the market forces they have to deal with and what their risks and challenges are,…..the list goes on.

The key though is to be sure you have something of value to take to that first and most important meeting.

Once you have the ear and mindshare, you do have to add value. The 2 biggest values you can bring to the table are information and candidates – both in a timely manner. Neither is necessarily easy.

Information – stats, stats and more stats.

The bigger the company the more they love ‘em. You could try showing the recruiting trends over the last 6, 12, 24 months in terms of Seasonal Trends, i.e. when they open their Reqs; Time-to-Hire and Source-of-Hire. (I personally am not a fan of Time-to-Hire as a measurement of quality, but it is very useful as an indicator to levels of activity, engagement and decision on all sides). In the current economic climate cost optimisation is at the top of everyone’s thoughts and planning process and thus the Source-of-Hire and by association Cost-of-Hire can have a huge impact. And if you can discuss and agree on a plan to reduce these then you the platform on which to build your strategy and partnership

Whilst the use of stats from internal sources will have a bearing and relevance to your customer, you will also need to have a good understanding of the market and the influences it will have on the business and your ability to hire. Information from external sources could be more valuable to the business and your function than you think.

I give you an example. Recently I was talking to a friend of mine who works for a search firm. I was told that they’d been retained to search for sales people in various countries around the region and was targeting specific skills as well as other companies to fulfil their obligations. Initially I saw this as a potential risk to our headcount, but on reflection I saw it as valuable information for the regional leaders. The numbers being recruited by this other company indicated that they are likely to be making a big effort for sales across the region chasing the same revenue/spend my company is after. This kind of information delivered to a customer provides awareness to a potential new business threat in the region. It also gives an indication of the competition faced for acquiring similar skills and gives you greater credibility with your customer – a win-win-win situation!

Delivering the Candidates

The vast majority of IR teams deliver reactively and Just-In-Time. This is not necessarily the best way of finding the best talent. Let’s face it recruiting is all about timing and we have to accept that we can only hire the best people we can find at that time. But we can stack the odds in our favour.

By working closely with the BU leaders you will possibly become and essential part of their quarterly and yearly planning process. Different departments will have different critical points through the fiscal year; Sales will typically want to do most of their hiring at the beginning of the new financial year, whereas an R& D dept. will want to hire with sufficient time to be sure that a new product can be launched according to schedule, which will likely mean that the Technical Support teams might want to do theirs to coincide with a new product launch, and so it goes on across the business. If you as a TABP can be part of departmental planning you will be able qualify what skills are needed and when for, thus be able to put an advance plan in place to build a pipeline of credible candidates and if you are equipped to do so save your customer some precious budget in the process.

Having such advance notice will allow you to plan your sourcing strategy with the resources, both internal and external available to you. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you can direct source now that you have the time to do it. You may not have be equipped with the skills or bandwidth to do it in your current structure, many don’t. So I guess what I am saying here is make sure that you manage the expectations of your customer and ensure you and you teams are equipped to deliver before you commit. It all sounds good but if you don’t have the mechanics or the know-how then it could backfire. Then you will lose any and all credibility that you have earned. It will then be difficult to nearly impossible to build it again.

To close this post it is vital to ensure that you, the TABP provide a constant flow of information to your customer; market intel, candidate market intel, campaign/sourcing progress, anything to keep them in the loop. Your goal is to make sure that when they think recruitment they think of you first. You become the trusted advisor.